about me
I'm Winnie, a designer based in Los Angeles, California.

Creativity has always been my driving force, from my earliest memories to present-day projects. Whether it’s with my hands, my imagination, or my computer, I love crafting things and building emotional connections with those experiencing my work. My passion for connecting with others initially led me to pursue a career in psychosocial research, and while I loved it, it didn't prevent the inevitable quarter-life crisis. I began rethinking my path, feeling as though I wasn't nurturing my inner child's creativity.

Finding my way into product design was a revelation - a perfect blend of my analytical skills and creativity. I get to dive into the intricacies of human behavior just as I've always done and turn those insights into something meaningful. I approach each project by immersing myself in other's perspectives, ensuring my designs are not only aesthetically pleasing, but resonate emotionally and practically.

my philosophy
Designing is writing a story.
The Overarching Narrative
Users as Characters
Details Make a Difference

Good design starts with defining the purpose, just like outlining the plot before writing a story. Every detail ends up contributing to a smooth user journey and a cohesive experience.

And the feeling you get when finishing a good book? That’s the final design — it leaves a lasting impression.

Everyone has unique narratives, personalities, and emotions, just like characters in a novel. So while authors immerse themselves in their characters' minds when writing them, it's important that we explore who our users are at their core when striving for impactful designs.

Just as a great story is brought to life with intricate details, I believe even the smallest elements and interactions can add immense depth to the overall experience.

more about me
What brings me joy:
Dexter, my dog/sibling
Indulging in my creative hobbies

My dog is one of the most precious beings in the world to me. I call him my sibling because we argue, love, and share food just like real siblings do.

Floral preservation, aquascaping, nail art, jewelry-making, illustration, song writing, you name it.